Your helmet will not only be customized. It will become an art work, and you’ll become an artist.
The art of helmet
Creations are the result of particular thoughts, exchange of ideas, researches and expression of an own artistic style. Helmets are considered as a whole to design an harmonious composition, and colors and materials are carefully chosen. Further, they are hand-painted with love and patience. It means that they are more than customized: they become a unique identity.
The artistic process doesn’t end with the customization. Your helmet will evolve with you. You will take it for a ride, and it will metamorphose into a mobile art work. Shapes and colors will express themselves differently depending on your position, the angle and speed of your machine. Colors will appear more intensive or fade out because of sunlight or a raindrop. Fabrics will softly absorb the marks left by your leather jacket. Then, copper or gold leaves will take in secret your fingerprints. Without knowing it, you will become the artist and the helmet your creation.
Helmkunst: an artistic concept
“An infinitely dynamic and ephemeral art, yet unchanged and singular when motionless: this is Helmkunst“. |Jenna Philippe|
Helmet creations
Discover the latest motorcycle helmet collections and click on your favorite helmet to discover more creations in that particular style. Stories about unique helmets and more photos are waiting for you.
Do you want to customize your helmet? Check this post that will explain you how it works. Do you have questions about the design and art painted on those motorcycle helmets? Just contact me! I am also happy to meet you if you are near Vienna or Paris.
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